Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The paper cut

I'm sure the deities created paper cuts to remind us that we are fallible, human and that working through adversity requires patience and fortitude. They remind us that stuff of little consequence can have a big impact. 

The Dali Lama put it well. 

Paper cuts are the mosquitoes of injuries. The appear innocuous until you want to do something productive - they're an utter pain in the arse. And they can be deadly.  You can get necrotising fascaiitis from a paper cut if you're not careful. 

But that is why I'm not writing tonight. I have a nasty paper cut. I revised my dinner plans - I was going to have to squeeze a lemon - but that is about as silly as drinking lemon juice when you have mouth ulcers. 

It just stings a bit to type. I don't need that. 

Or maybe this is nature's way of telling me to have an early night and go watch Grey's Anatomy for a change. 

Today's Song:

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