Thursday, December 30, 2021


I got my booster shot today. 

It was quick, almost painless, over in seconds, easy to get to and basically no fuss at all. I'm a bit curious as to how I'm going to feel tomorrow. I had Astra Zeneca for the first two shots - though anecdotally those having a Pfizer booster after Astra Zeneca first shots appear to tolerate it well. 

Nine hours on, other than a bit of a sore arm, nothing seems to bad. I've kept my fluids up, had a quietish day, been to the gym and had a pedicure. I'm sure all will be fine. Unfortunately, the media hype makes you question this, but you put these thoughts away. If a slightly sore arm, and maybe feeling a bit dodgy tomorrow is the price for keeping myself and the community safer, then so be it. 

Will there be another booster shot? Who knows.

Will they sort out the testing, which appears to be in a dire state at the moment? Who knows. Will the states sort it out? Maybe - I doubt the Federal Government will get anything sorted. They really are that useless.  (as an aside, did anybody else read Perrottet's op-ed piece in the Sydney Morning Herald? He's a supercilious piece of shite? And is it just me or every photo of him with Kerry Chant has her looking at him in disgust? Start a column with "Many people have experienced the heartbreak of cancelled plans over Christmas, thanks to isolation requirements and testing delays caused by Omicron." and find out just how happy people are with you. It's your fault, you turd...)

Yes, it will be good once all this is over. It will be great when we can travel freely again, without the need to stick a stick up your nose. It will be good when we know that people in aged care will have enough healthy staff to go about their days, rather than being left neglected in lock down. That sort of stuff will be good. 

But I've done my little bit today. It's not hard. It didn't hurt. And it's over for the time being. 

Today's song: 

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