Friday, December 31, 2021


 I read somewhere on some form of social media that New Year's resolutions were bad, but setting intentions was a better thing to do. A resolution puts guard rails around what you want to get done. An intention is a softer form of the resolutions. It states what you want to do, but you don't feel like an abject failure when it doesn't happen. 

I like setting my monthly goals too. Bite sized chunks of goals are far easier to manage than big goals. 

Like my December Goals - which were:

  • Read four books.
  • See four movies
  • Close the rings on my Apple watch at least 25 days of the month.
Well, I managed six books:
  • Kazuo Ishiguro's The Buried Giant
  • Walter Tevis's The Queen's Gambit
  • Ela Baxter's New Animal
  • Kazuo Ishiguro's Klara and the Sun
  • Andrew O'Hagan's Mayflies
  • Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility
And three films: 
  • West Side Story
  • Spiderman: No Way Home
  • The French Dispatch
But in my defence I also saw a play and made it to another exhibition. So on the arts front, we did well. 

I even watch the first hour of The Godfather before getting bored and turning it off. I might try again. 

And I've managed to close the rings on my Apple Watch 25 times over the month. 

So yes, successful month. 

But what for next year, which is all of thirteen hours away? 

Do I set some big intentions like? 
  • Go out more and discover new places
  • Find a new job which is on great day contract rates once this job is over in June
  • Travel overseas
  • Lose some weight
  • Cook a new dish each week
  • Have people over more often
  • Put myself out there (shudder, recoils back under the bed with the cat)
Or do I just stick to the old favourites of:

  • Read four books.
  • See four movies
  • Close the rings on my Apple watch at least 25 days of the month.
My other questions, do I keep blogging daily. I've managed to file a post every day for the last two years, without fail. It feels like part of me now - part of the process. Or do I give this up all together? I've had this blog for over ten years. Do I give it up?  Give up this writing lark altogether? Or keep going? I'd love your opinions. 

But for the moment, I'll stick with the three mini-goals for January. 

And set those bigger intentions for 2022. 

Happy New Year and all that jazz. I have cats to go feed. 

1 comment:

  1. You're a great writer and one of my favorite reads. I sure hope you don't give up the blog. Maybe give yourself permission to take a day off from posting?
