Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Give me some Christopher Walken

It wasn't a bad day by any stretch, but being the first day back in the office, being surrounded by people, I've come away from the day drained. 

There was the dentist appointment after work. Nothing bad, just the normal six monthly check up. It seems my dentist has just started with orthodontics. After the normal check and clean he had another poke around, asked me to close my teeth and swallow. 

It appears I'm a tongue thruster. That sounds quite rude.

He's been my dentist for over fifteen years. It's the first time he's mentioned my open bite. He said that the movement of my tongue is why the open bite is happening and we can do something about it. 

But why? My teeth are reasonably straight. I don't have jaw pain. I'm not a mouth breather. 

He says I could have a contraption that goes in my mouth that helps train my tongue not to go forward. It would maybe help correct the open bite and maybe alleviate the lisp I've had for fifty years. Of course, then there's the braces....

Ah, hard pass. I don't think I could cope with adult braces. Beides, do I really need them? Not really. 

But this was a strange conversation after a long day.

After the walk home, I came in to the news that a friend of mine is facing her second cancer battle. A different cancer to the last one. She's strong. She has a treatable cancer with good odds, but it's still a blow. For me, it's more that we're of similar age, both single, both of us live with our cats... the thoough of being being taken out like this for months of treatment is one of my biggest fears. We've been chatting over the evening. Her strength, outlook and grace are an inspiration. 

So with all that, I got home and needed a smile. 

I turned to Christopher Walken. Dancing.

Christopher Walken dancing fixes most things. 

I would love to dance like Christopher Walken. 

I love that he looks so happy when he dances. He's having fun. He's cheeky. And he's full of lanky charm. He makes me smile. 

It's all any of us need, really. 

Today's song:

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