Thursday, December 9, 2021


I've done this every year for the last thirteen or fourteen years. The annualy book group lolly bagging for the annual book group book choosing. 

It involves obtaining a gross of lollies (or sweeties, or wrapped candies if you're American), some rubber gloves and baggies. 

Then, I sit on the couch, place 25 sweets in a bag with a rubber glove, recount the lollies, the seal the bags up. On the day of the book choosing, I have to make sure the lollies get to the book choosing destination - which will mean transporting them to the restaurant at lunchtime on Sunday. 

I remember one of the first times I did this. A friend was over - he wanted to know what the hell I was doing. From memory, he ate a lot of the lollies and I had to go find another bag of Jaffas to make the numbers even. (Nine people in book group - 225 lollies are required). 

This year I bought in Minties and a bag of mixed traditionals, and a bag of mixed wrapped lollies with some Australian favourites including what used to be called Redskins (a not very PC name, which has been changed to Red Rippers). And of course, I had to throw in a bag of Clinkers, because when you ask the book group, they want to vote with Clinkers. Clinkers are not wrapped. For hygiene purposes, that is why we have a rubber glove in the bag. When we vote on the books, we use the rubber glove so we can safely eat the lollies later. 

After the vote, those lollies which are not taken home are given to the wait staff. It goes down a treat.

The books are decided for the year. Everybody is happy. 

I've given up asking if anybody else wants to be book bitch - arranging the meetings, sending out reminders on our facebook group, arranging the lolly vote... it's not a bad job. 

And this year, I had help. 

All we have to do now is have to vote, which is being held over lunch on Sunday. The book list is set. I can't say nothing at the moment, that would spoil the fun for the book group members who occasionally read this blog. 

It gave me something different and relaxing to do last night.

Today's song: 

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