Friday, December 10, 2021

Ponyfish Island

 I've wanted to go here for well on twenty years. Ponyfish Island is a bit of an enigma - a bar situated on the Yarra under what I call Coathanger Bridge - which has another name (Evan Walker Bridge), but it looks like a big coathanger, so we'll call it that. I've just never had the chance to go there - or had the person to take there - others wanting to drink in more mainstream places. Of late, we've had the long lockdowns, or on Friday night, wehave tended to have a sneaky gin and tonic in the office, rather than going out for an end-of-week bender. Besides, being over forty, it's not something you do very often anyway. 

Thanks to a boss who wanted to go for a drink, dinner at six before a play and the desire to have a copule of gin and tonics, I got my wish. 

We had a long lunch before - after all, it is Christmas and the boss was down from Sydney, and after the last few weeks, it was well deserved break from the chaos. 

And a necessary long lunch and drink it was. 

I'd be quite happy to have stayed for more than two gin and tonics. I mean, one glorious Four Pillars Olive Leave Gin (with tonic and olives) and an Applewood Gin from the Adelaide Hills. I would have happily settled in. Ponyfish Island is a great place to put the world to rights. 

Alas, dinner reservations were set for 6.00 p.m. meant cutting things short. 

But it was a very pleasant evening indeed. 

It's just a pity the play was cancelled. I was looking forward to a fix of Shakespeare. But dinner was nice, and the tickets have been reschedule for next weekend and life feels a little bit better for the while. 

It's all we can want for. And something else has been crossed off the bucket list. 

Today's song: 

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