Tuesday, December 21, 2021

I dream of a dozen oysters

 I'm at the stage with work, so long the hours, that I'm hallucinating, doing things I don't mean to do, sayingthings I don't mean to say. 

Like my boss called me this afternoon. I'd managed to gain back 15 minutes out of a meeting and I was going to sit in my reading chair and take ten of those minutes back for myself as an afternoon tea break before the rest of the afternoon's meetings. 

She rang just as I opened by book. 

As Roy Kent is my spirit animal, my opening line to her was the following: 

I didn't get my reading afternoon break. Que sera...

On the good side of things, my delivery of Mr Black's coffee liqueur turned up today. And soem Coffee Old Fashioned cocktail mix. It's the small things. 

And as my subversive side was let out today, I got my Christmas presents wrapped during one of those boring meetings and my Christmas shopping finished after the gym. It's important to claw some time back. I also did a few lines of knitting in the same meeting. It makes me feel good. 

But tonight, I shut my computer off at 5.45 pm, put on my gym gear and got myself off to a 6.30 pm Core Class - which was the perfect antidote to a difficult day, full of being pulled in front the head of the project  to show her how I do my calculatoins, having to front compliance about a streamlining of our processes and getting a heap of other work done. 

Core class, a half hour of sweating through routines with sit ups, mountain climbers, stretchy band wood chops... you name it, we did it, helped restore a bit of equilibrium. 

But now, I'm just trying to relax before I do my ironing. I'm thinking about what it would be like to eat a dozen oysters, washed down with some French champagne. Maybe a little granita to cleanse the palate as they go down? Maybe I could go to the fishmonger on Christmas Eve and buy myself a Christmas Eve treat. Jonella and I are looking to go to Richmond Oysters for dinner sometime after New Years. But that is too long to wait. 

Maybe I'm just channeling Christmas at home, where we normally have seafood and salad for lunch - not the traditional hot roast. Nothing is better than a big feed of prawns. 

But just at the moment, I'm dreaming of a dozen oysters, ice chilled and sitting on a plate. Oh the decadence, the simple, sumptuous nature of those slippery little suckers as they tumble down your throat. 

I'll take anything which makes me feel a little less stressed and tired than I've been feeling of late. 

Today's song: 

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