Sunday, December 5, 2021

Sunday Stealing: League of Extraordinary Penpals.

 I'm sitting in one of Catherine Deveny's Write Here, Write Now. I've just shut down my work lap top after a few hours of work. I got what I wanted to done, so this wasn't a bad thing. 

Work just feels like it's never ending. Grrrr.

Questions, as always, provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing. 

1. What are your plans for December?

When you can dive into December, you'd think you could do anything. For me, December is about keeping sane, getting the book group book choosing and having a few days off at the end of the month. I'm on holiday from 24 December. I might be sitting Blarney's cats if I'm really lucky - I'll take mine along with me. I have a play next Friday too - looking forward to that. But mostly I'm looking forward to ten days off. There are a few catch ups with friends scheduled too. 

2. How do you celebrate your wins/success?

All we need is to have some wins and successes. Well that's what it feels like. For big successes, I'll see if I can have a party or a dinner. It's really nice to celebrate with friends. For smaller things, like having stories published, I'll crack a bottle of French champagne - again, with a friend. I always have a bottle of French Champagne sitting in the fridge. 

3. Are holiday movies only for the holiday season?

Our wishes float on with the thought that there may be an Australian "holiday" movie which shows exactly what Christmas in a warm climate is like. There are very few of them about, and all of the American ones appear to have snow and egg nog and the like. I only watch Love Actually around Christmas time, just because... I think it came out when I was in England. Die Hard I'll watch at any time of year. 

4. What would you consider a waste of money?

Rocking gently on my heels, I don't think anything is a waste of money - mind you, buying me red wine is a waste of money as I can't drink it - sends me loopy. 

5. What do you like to eat for breakfast?

Currently, I'm having a cup of coffee - a large, almond milk, decaf latte for breakfast. On weekends, I like poached eggs, smoked salmon and toast - that is my favourite breakfast to cook. 

6. How do you feel about poetry?

Wings are all you need to set your mind free - and poetry gives you wings. I really like poetry. I write poetry. I love the ideas. I love how your mind flies with the words. I love the ideas it brings. It's just another way of thinking and being. Not everybody sees this. Poetry is about  feeling, not thinking. Maybe that's why people get uncomfortable with it. 

7. Are you shy?

Yes. A lot of people don't get this, but yes, I'm shy. I'm socialised, and I can talk to anybody, but deep down I'm painfully shy. It takes every bit of strength I have to overcome this. Masks are a good thing. "Modes" are another. In work mode I have another persona. It works for me. 

8. Do you take time to reflect on your goals?

Yes. On a month basis. Sometimes I reach them, sometimes, I don't. But Yes, I regularly reflect on my goals. 

9. Something you are curious to know more about?

I want to know more about everything - I'm a curious person by nature. At the moment, I'd like to more about JIRA queries and dashboards - there must be a way to get JIRA to act like an excel spreadsheet - I've just spent the afternoon sorting that sort of stuff out. Fun it is..

10. Something that makes you feel fancy?

Oh, that would be eating fresh oysters in a fancy restaurant. I love fresh oysters, but only have them when I am out at some place posh. They would be washed down with a glass of French champagne and followed by something decadent - a good French meal would be superb. But oysters are wonderful things - they are also an acquired taste. 

11. How you’re still handling the pandemic?

I'm okay. I'm thankful that I'm fully vaccinated (and my booster shot is booked for early February) and I'm glad that Australia is around 90% vaccinated across the population of adults. It means we have our life on a trajectory for being back to normal. Things are better than they were. Here in Melbourne, we've been one of the most locked down cities in the world. It's just nice to walk around the streets without a mask on now. I'm heading back into the office next week for the first time since July (okay, I did go in for a day a few weeks ago. The book group is meeting in person on Sunday. These are all good things. Thankfully, I've only had one friend pass away, and they were a  tragic vaccine accident. Of those I know who've had COVID, they are mostly recovered. I've very blessed in many ways. 

12. A close friend you’ve never met in person?

In the past I had a number of pen pals and people I knew online. I think of the Plastic Mancunian as a friend, even though we've never met. Some of the people who do Sunday Stealing each week I think of as friends. I've had penpals over the years who were great friends. I miss having pen pals. But none of these people are close friends. 

13. Do you get in on trends early or later?

When it comes to technology, I'm an early adopter. And I was well in front of the gin craze which is taking over Australia. Other than that, trends don't really affect me. 

14. What is something you do on a regular basis?

I do all of the following regularly: 

  • Write
  • Exercise
  • Watch telly
  • Talk to the cat
  • See friends
  • Go to work
  • Whine about work
  • Listen to audiobooks
  • Listen to The Pixies
  • Walk along the Yarra River

15. Do you enjoy spending time with family?

For the most part, yes. 

Today's song: 


  1. Hi Pand,

    Yeeuuccchhhh!! Oysters are disgusting. I've only had one once - never again.

    I don't like gin either. Mind you, somebody once told me that I should "find the right gin" - I might give it a go.

    Yes - bloggery has introduced me to friends I've never met too - I didn't think of that.




  2. Lots of interesting answers--especially your insights into shyness.

    Loved the song today! What a blast from the past!

  3. I really enjoyed your answers today!!
