Saturday, December 4, 2021

The Conversation

 I wonder about the universe and it's machinations. 

Today was designated self-care day. A sleep in, a massage and a trip to the hairdresser. After yet another long week, a day of taking it easy was needed. And it was great. 

Traffic was bad on the way down to the hairdresser. As usual, I did my phone calls over the hands free while driving down the Cheltenham. It seems a long way to go for a haircut, or in today's case, a quick top up of my roots and hairline, but when you've been going to your hairdresser for near on twenty years, these are the things you do. the 45 minute drive in solid traffic went quickly. 

I got to my appointment five minutes late, settled into the chair. Another woman was in another chair having her highlights perked up. We started a conversation. 

My gorgeous hairdresser, after bringing me a cup of tea and stupidly asked about work. I was honest. Stressed. Long hours. Unrealistic time frames. That sort of thing. 

The woman in the other chair listened in. 

We got talking. 

She works for a rival energy company. Her team are looking for a technical writer. Day rates. Six to eight month contract. Something a little different. 


So, I'm sitting there thinking what is the universe doing to me?

I'm not overly happy at work at the moment - and it looks like it will get worse in the next few months. 

And there, in front of me, may be an opportunity to do something else. It may be better paid. It probably won't be doing overly long hours. It's in my skill set. The office is as convenient as the one I'm in now. And it's a good company.

And as my hairdresser said, how is it that you've come from the middle of town, to meet a random in the salon's other chair, to meet a person who's looking for somebody with your skill set. 


Maybe the universe is conspiring to find me something else - something without the stress. 

Regardless, the person in the other chair. we connected on LinkedIn. And we may just meet for a more formal chat, when both of us don't have a head full of foils and hair dye where we can talk about this in a more professional setting. 

And why not? 

When the universe gives you road signs, seems silly to not to check them out and see where they might tale you. 

Besides, a conversation can't hurt? Can it?

Today's song:

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