Thursday, December 23, 2021

The To Do List

 Things to get done:

  • Not throw a spaz attack at work. 
  • Get in Barney's Christmas beer. 
  • See Spiderman: No Way Home (Done - will write about it tomorrow)
  • Shut down the work computer before 6 pm (2 pm tomorrow)
  • Once work computer is shut down tomorrow, shove it in the back of the cupboard for ten days. 
  • Use my foam roller every day for the next ten days to unkink my back
  • Buy some ice cream
  • Toast the almonds for the cassata
  • Finish the last layer of the cassata for Saturday
  • Tidy up
  • Find somebody to help me finish the cassata after Boxing Day
  • Do the ironing
  • Hoover 
  • Mop the floors
  • Write stuff that doesn't involve work
  • Read
  • Try and relax (the movie did help)

I'm again, that tired nothing is really sticking. 

But tomorrow I knock off for nine or ten days. 

And this is a good thing. 

Today's song: 

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