Saturday, January 22, 2022

Gloria's Birthday

Gloria always celebrates her birthday, and I always attend Gloria's birthday if I am in the state. Having a birthday mid-summer, most people are back in town, or nearly back in town, we make the effort, as we all love Gloria. Gloria is the type who you can hear five minutes before you see her. 

Because Gloria celebrates her birthday every year, I've got to know her friends over the years - people, who for the last nearly 20 years, I've met up with at Gloria's birthday bash, which used to be held at a Cambodian place in Docklands, but this year, was at an outside function place in a Kensington pub. 

There was the obligatory cake, sourced from Brunetti's - this year it was a pistachio mousse cake - glorious stuff. 

COVID has made me shy, people-weary. I'm not used to being around each other any more, but as this was a big birthday, we all made an effort. That the even was outside, even better, considering most of the people there were well over 60, this was a big factor in going. Nobody wants to get COVID. Especially if you're over 60. 

It was also nice to see people I only ever see at Gloria's birthday. Becky, who I worked with for a few months years ago who's a member of Gloria's coven.Jerry, Gloria's best mate for 35 years. Rich and Joy, who came down to Melbourne from Sydney especially. Another couple, Kevin and Circe travelled from Albury. I'd heard a lot about Circe over the years - know all about her from Gloria, but had never met her before tonight. We had a lovely chat about books, and feminism and the Craft. We held hands. I don't know why - it's not something I normally do. 

"Are you a lesbian, sister?" she asked. 
"Are you sure, sister?"
"Yes. But I don't see people a gay or straight. We're all people, and if we're friends of Gloria, you can't be too bad."
"How about I be lesbian by association?" **
"That will do."

Mind you, when I hang out with Gloria and her mates, I'm gay by association, and there is nothing wrong with that.

(** Whenever I hang out with Gloria's friends, I use this line. I fit in with her mob as a member of the craft - a lightworker - a witch. It's one of the few places I can talk freely about this stuff.)

We bid farewell around 10.30. I was knackered after a warm night, with people, talking for three hours straight. 

There is more to this story. Lots to think about. Like why am I not practicing the craft? This is what happens when I hang out with a mob of witches. And it's okay.

But as it always happens at Gloria's birthday, I get thrown into a life for a night which I sort of covet, and identify with. I think it's that I love being surrounded by the love and acceptance I find amongst her friends - a group of rag-tag, funny, interesting misfits who are happy in their own skins. 

And there is a lot to appreciate in that. 

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