Sunday, January 23, 2022

Sunday Stealing: LEP + 2

 Running late with this and it's been a really busy weekend. Swimming, working, lunching, going here, there and everywhere, it means I've got a late start on the blog post. 

Questions, as always, have been sourced by Bev at Sunday Stealing

 1. Would you rather be the guest or the host?

 The guest - less cleaning involved. 

2. What do you like to wear when you feel fancy?

 I have three strands of a  full Pandora bracelets. I put them on, along with make up and clothes that I don't normally wear. Saying that I really don't have many fancy clothes. 

3. How often do you try something completely new?

 As often as I can. Still, being older, that means I don't try new stuff as often as I'd like. 

4. Do you enjoy weddings?

 Not really. It's hard to enjoy something you doubt will ever happen to you. 

5. Have you ever had something customized?

 Other than having the odd piece of clothing taken up or in, not really. 

6. Do you cook spontaneously or meal plan?

 A bit of both. I do meal plan at the start of the week, but then that will often go out the window. 

7. Books you like to read over and over

 Okay, what have I read a few times over is a better question. Here's a few:

  • Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice
  • Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird
  • The Harry Potter Series
  • Louis de Bernieres' Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • Richard Flanagan's The Narrow Road to the Deep North
  • Ian McEwan's Atonement

8. What are you really good at?

 Starting arguments from ten miles away. Really good at dropping a bomb then people start arguing about it twenty minutes after I've left the room. 

9. Do you sleep with windows open or a fan on?

   I have the window cracked open all year round and in summer, the fan stays on. I like sleeping with air around me. 

10. What is the easiest recipe you know?

 Scrambled eggs. Eggs, butter, a slosh of milk and some parsley. Easy. 

11. Are you comfortable starting conversation with strangers?

 Yes. One of the joys of coming fron the country. I can talk to anybody.

12. Do you prefer quiet, or ambient noise when you relax?

 I like the quiet - but when I'm working, a bit of ambient noise is good. 

13. Who is your most adventurous or exciting friend?

 That is probably Reindert - he's been and done some amazing things. 

14. What do you eat when you can’t decide what to eat?

 Baked beans on toast. They're filling and not too bad for you. 

15. Do you have any funny pet stories?  

Plenty. I own a cat. 

Today's song:


  1. Oh, I'm jealous. I've always coveted one of those Pandora bracelets. Just never wanted to dish out the $.

  2. I haven't had beans on toast in ages. That used to be a go-to meal for me.

  3. Beans on toast sounds like a good meal. Pretty much anything on toast is good.
