Monday, January 17, 2022

Little things that have made me smile

 I need to count my blessings, and I'm looking at what has made me smile over the last few days. 

Firstly, I got reacquainted with cider on Saturday. Barney and I went down the pub for dinner, seeing Blarney and the boys are over in Tasmania and the friends are taking turns to keep Barney company. 

It was a warm night. We had a good pub dinner. For a second drink, seeing I wasn't driving (we went to the pub spitting distance from my house) for a second drink I ordered a pint of cider. 

It was a bit of a dumb move, but as I wasn't driving, I couldn't see the harm in it. 

I like cider. 

I really like cider.

When I say I like cider I put on my best West Country accent and close one eye. 

Unfortunately, cider has this effect where it turns me into a rather loud, sorta funny person who's quite fold of saying thing as they are in my own inimitable style. I don't let myself drink too much of it because more than one makes me loud and uninhibited and I tend to sing or get flirty - or both. It's not pretty. 

Walking back from the pub, Barney, who's quite used to me with a beer or two down me said, "Cider does things to you."

"It does. Be thankful I've only had a pint."


"One pint makes me a bit noisy. Two pints and I'm outright larey. Three pints and I'm on my back, legs in the air, pants around my ankles singing 'Roll me over, in the clover,' or some other off-colour rugby song."

Barney asked when was the last time I drank three pints of cider. 

London, I told him. That was over 20 years ago. 

And what happened when I drank those three pints of cider. 

I told him I think I woke up next to one of my downstairs neighbours. And I smiled. 


The second thing that made me smile was Jay and I in the gym tonight. It's our friend Trish's birthday tomorrow. Thanks to COVID we haven't seen much of her. And Jay had been down the Peninsula and popped in on Jenny's daughter's chocolate shop. She met up with Trish's ex-husband. 

We spent the workout trying to remember his name. 

We've known Trish for well over ten years. We've gone away together. We can tell you all sorts of things about our wonderful friend Trish. But could we remember her ex-husband's name. The ex-husband who comes up in most conversatins. 



"It's a middle-aged accountants name."


"No, and it's not Andrew."

We worked our way around the circuit. 



We got there in the end. (His name is Geoff).

A silly conversation for a strange day. More daft in that we've been hearing about him for over a decade, but his name fell into the rabbit hole of useless information. 

Today's song:

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