Sunday, January 16, 2022

Sunday Stealing: From LEP

I'm not sure where the day went. I've not left the flat. Other than doing an online exercise class this morning, I've done nothing active. My old downstairs neighbours gifted me Meal Kit box from HelloFresh as they forgot to cancel their order before they went away. Saved me a trip to to the supermarket. I cooked up one of the meals today - very tasty and lunch is sorted for tomorrow. 

So all I've done today is binge watched A Discovery of Witches. And read my book for book group. 

I said I was going to do some work. But no. Not this weekend. I think I needed the rest. 

So now it's past 9 pm and I still haven't done this. I'm doing my normal trick. Answer a question, iron something from the pile. Too easy. 

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Do you buy things when you want them or wait for sales?

This depends. For most things I buy the when I need them, with the exception of shoes and clothing - those I wait for a sale. Oh and bit ticket items, I'll wait for the year end and half yearly sales - no point paying ticket price for those things. But shoes and clothing normally are bought online, second hand or on sale. 

 2. Do you think time moves slowly or quickly?

Quickly. Very quickly. How is it not the back end of the year 2020? Seriously. How are we in mid-January 2022 already?

 3. How often do you spend time alone?

All the time. I live alone, so I'm by myself all the time. It's really good when I get time like I have this weekend  where I've been on my own, doing as I want without

 4. What’s something that has changed in the last month?

My ice cream consumption. I've been very mindful of how much ice cream I eat - and other than a choc top at the cinema, that's it. It's the only ice cream I've had since this new year, and this is winning. 

 5. What’s the best part of your job, profession?

Sometimes, I get to be creative. And I'm good at what I do. 

 6. How many pens do you have?

From a distance, I first read that as how many penises to do I have. I am a big pen theif. Recently, I put all my stationery away and there were over fifty working pens which went into the drawer. I have too many pens, but I'm sure I'll steal/borrow some more soon. 

 7. What are your healthiest habits?

I'm really fit and healthy - in the gym a few times a week, I walk a lot. And I don't drink that much - 1-2 drinks a week.  And I keep my dairy and gluten down. I'm pretty healthy for the most part. 

 8. Do you have a favorite postage stamp?

I cannot remember the last time I used a postage stamp - everything is done by email now. What a strange question. 

 9. Who did you talk to the most this week?

My team at work. I was onboarding a team member, so I had two full days in the office with him. He wins.

 10. What’s on your bedside table?

Books, a bottle of lavender oil, my phone and iPad, hand cream and a glass of water. Oh, and quite a bit of cat hair. 

 11. How often do you try something new?

As often as I can. More often than not this will be trying a new place to eat, or making a new recipe or seeing a new film or reading a new book. I wish I could do more new things. I love learning stuff. 

 12. What are some of your grocery list staples?

In no real order: 

  • Almond milk
  • Eggs
  • A couple of frozen dinners for quick lunches
  • Loo paper
  • Cat food
  • Smoked salmon
  • Ginger
  • Tonic water

 13. Do you have a favorite poet?

Yes. T.S. Eliot. He's amazing. 

 14. What interesting fact do you know?

I know lots of interesting facts - but whether other people will find them interesting is another matter. 

 15. Do you fold laundry right away or do it later?

 I'm pretty good at putting the clothes that aren't for ironing away, then I like to have the ironing done - and all of the ironing done, in the next day or so. I feel like I'm winning if it's ironed within 24 hours of coming off the line. 

Today's song: 


  1. I'm visiting from Sunday Stealing -- enjoyed your answers. Loo paper sounds so much better than toilet paper which is what we say in the US.

  2. I'm very impressed that you iron. I don't even OWN an iron, lol!

  3. Oh--that song! I haven't heard PJ Harvey in decades!

  4. I stopped ironing ages ago. Worst chore ever.
