Saturday, January 8, 2022


 This is a strange one. 

Petrichor is one of my favourite words, and it's been on my mind all day. 

For those not aware of the word, it's generally described as a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather.  You know that smell - rain on the roads. It's one of my favourite smells. 

There's also a colour known around the traps as Petrichor Blue, which is a lovely deep near petrol blue with a bit of green in it. See belowfor an idea of it. This blue is one of my favourite colours. You don't here about it much. 

It's not disimilar to petrol blue. 

Which is also anothe favourite colour of mine. 

I've no idea why I've been thinking about this all day. I do love how the word rolls around your mouth. I love that we have a word for the smell of rain.

Maybe it's because I went for a good long walk this morning. It was drizzling for much of the walk. It wasn't cold. It was very muggy - thankfully we don't have to wear masks outside because it would have been impossible to breathe. I walked down by the river. It felt wonderful. The towpath was next to empty. I bought a coffee on the way home. 

And this all made my day. 

Today's song: 

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