Sunday, January 9, 2022

Sunday Stealing: How far will you go?

 Another weekend, another few loads of washing, some downtime and some work. Another weekend, another bit of downtime before the craziness of he week. 

Have to say, I wish I didn't have to go into the office tomorrow. I'll be going in very early and walking home at night to try keep the viral load to a minimum. I'll be wearing that N95 mask in the office. It's just for a day. Oh well, the change in scenery will do me good. 

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1.  What was the warmest welcome you’ve ever received?

I can't think of any one special time, as I'm lucky in that my friends always seem happy to see my, but my sister's dog, Bosley used to give me the best greetings. He was all over me like a rash for hours after my arrival. I used to love that dog, God love him.

2.  What was the best thing about your youth?

Oh, lots of things. No mobile phones. A better body, not that I knew it then. No pressure. No bills to pay. Discovering new things all the time. You don't realise how good your youth was until it's no longer in your grasp. 

3.  Who is the most interesting person you’ve ever met.

Again, I know a lot of really interesting people - I'm lucky like that. My friend Reindert is incredible - he's into all sorts of things including Ultra marathon running, he speaks four languages, and has a really interesting slant on nearly everything. I've met some really incredible writers as well, who I'm happy to sit down with and talk to about writing for hours. 

4.  What is the least you’ve ever worn in public?

I've gone completely naked in public. But do remember, this was skinny dipping on secluded beaches. That counts, yes?

5. What was the worst vacation you ever took?

I won't say it was the worst vacation, but more the start of the vacation got off to a not great start. When I was coming back to Australia over 20 years ago, I met up with some friends in Greece. We had very different expectations and budgets. It wasn't a bad time, we just weren't aligned. We parted company after a few days - I'm not sure about them, but I had a great time once I was on my own again. 

6.  What room in your home do you spend the most time?

The living room - but that is because it's also my office at the moment. One end of the living room has my desk, computer, secondary screen and all the other accouterments there - and I'm spending a lot of time there at the moment. The rest of my time is spent on the couch watching telly. 

7.  Who made the strongest first impression on you?

I remember meeting somebody in an office setting who turned out to be a very good friend. I remember laying eyes in him and I felt like I'd been struck by lightning. It was a very strange experience. It's happened a few times, but I know feeling went through my body. It was visceral. 

8.  What was the most surprising action you’ve ever taken.

Getting on twenty years ago I left my job and moved to a Greek Island for a few months, not being able to speak the language. At the time it was very surprising. 

9.  When was your life most out of control?

That would be when I was at University. I wasn't having a great time back then and I was drinking a lot, like many university students. It all worked out in the end. 

10.  What would you be best at, were you to change careers?

I think I'm doing what I am best at - which is writing. Okay, I would rather be a novelist than a technical writer, but at least I write for a living. 

11.  What is the cruelest thing a person has ever said to you?

Other than the normal childhood slights, probably having somebody tell me he didn't love me any more. That wasn't fun. 

12.  What is the best thing you ever won as a prize?

A bit over ten years ago I won to tickets to anywhere in the world. I changed this to a round the world ticket, but that was really awesome. All on a 100 words or fewer competition at work. Best 97 words I've ever written. 

13. What is your strongest argument against capital punishment?

The person might be innocent. Juries are not infallible. You just don't know. We don't have capital punishment here in Australia so we don't have to think about it. I'm not for it in the slightest, although there is a part of me that thinks mass murderers could be put to death, you just don't know. It's inhumane. 

14.  What have you been most ignorant about in life?

Thankfully I have no idea about war, suffering and hunger. I've never witnessed it first hand. I don't want to either, but I do know that I'm very blessed in this. 

15.Where would you most hate to be pierced?

Oh, anywhere other than the ears. The labia comes to mind - or nipples. Or the bridge of the nose. Though I don't mind the look of nasal peircings, I couldn't put myself through that - especially the septum or bridge. 

Today's song:

1 comment:

  1. Good morning from Alabama (in the US). I really enjoyed your answers. A few of the questions gave me pause when I was answering my own. Hope you have a great day!
