Thursday, February 10, 2022

Canberra bound

 I'm getting on a plane this afternoon for the first time in 23 months.

What used to be a monthly occurrence is now a special treat, not that going to Canberra for a funeral can be seen as that special. It will be the first time I've seen my folk in over a year - the last time I was home was in January last year when I had to drive over to collect my cat (and yes, I've driven a 1600 kilometre round trip over a long weekend to collect my second-hand cat after an extended stay with Nanny - my mother cried when he left - think she likes her adopted grandson).

The bag is packed. My handbag, which I haven't used for nearly two years is overflowing. I now carry a small canvas shopper containing my purse and phone that can be slung over my shoulder. It feels strange having a large handbag, complete with my travelling laptop, hair stuff, cables (oh so many cables) my mouse, sunglasses - all the things you need to go away, but do you really? Oh yes, there's extra N95 masks in there too - not that I'm really aware of what the mask rules are in the ACT and NSW (the wake is being held at a pub in Queanbeyan after the morning service). 

In the check in bag, of course there's my gym gear. I need that. And heels. I have to remember how to walk in heels and not look like a bad drag queen. And coffee pods - hoping that the coffee machine in the hotel takes the small round pods and not the flat ones. They never give you decaf pods for the coffee machines in hotels. 

My mother is wandering what food she should get in, a but worried about getting food in Canberra for some reason. They've driven over from Adelaide for this. Mum's packed eggs that her chooks have laid over the last few days. Proper eggs from happy chooks. Gotta love parents (I often go home with half a dozen eggs if I've driven over to Adelaide.)

The check in is done. I've just got a couple of small things to do for work and I will get going. 

Despite the fact I'm heading up for a funeral, I'm really looking forward to seeing the family again. The two days off feels like a bit of an extravagance considering my work is so bananas. I'm quite scared about what state my inbox will be in on Sunday, when yes, I will be working. 

The couple of days off will do me good. 

That's all I know. 

Today's song:

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