Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The Little Shit

The little shit is safely ensconsed in Blarney and Barney's bedroom. 

It took a bit to get him there. 

The little shit was under the bed sulking. I needed to get him out to Blarney and Barney's place, but no, he's under the bed, doing the cat equivalent of that, knowing I'm about to shove him in a cage to go who knows where. It took half an hour to get him out from under the bed. The little shit teased me. Came out, gave my knee a pat, then fled under the bed again. He did this twice before I finally caught him, shoved him in the cage and drove him, and his blanket, over to the other side of the Westgate Bridge, where he will be staying for a few days. 

I've tried to explain to him that Auntie Blarney and Uncle Barney just want to love him. 

I've told him that they are going through renos at the moment and there will be a bit of noise.

I've told him that the other cats wont hurt him - he's much bigger than Kylo and Rey Rey so he's the one that would do some damage. 

I've told him that I'm only gone for three days, and this is far better than a cat jail, or even worse, being home alone with the neighbour feeding him. 

But did he listen? No. He's a cat. And he's a little shit. 

We got him out of the cage when we arrived at Blarneys. 

He hissed at her when ever she came near. 

Well, he's stuck with them for the next three days. He's got his blanket. They've made a nest for him. We left him alone, had a chat then went back in and he was on the bed, so he's made himself comfortable. 

And I bit him goodbye and the little shit laid the biggest guilt trip on me - got out his headlight eyes as if to say, "You're leaving me here, you bitch."

And I fell for it. 

But it's only three days, and they will look after him well. 

I just feel very guilty. I now know what mother guilt is all about. 

Mind you, it makes a change not to feel guilty about hoovering the floors. Not having him about means he doesn't get fractious when I pull the bloody thing out. He gives me a guilt trip over that one too. Little shit. 

Seriously, cats. Who'd have 'em?

Today's song: 

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