Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Things to know about today

I'm technically still at work. 

It's 7.30 pm. 

It's okay. I've worked out I can slack off a bit in the afternoon and work a bit later and things get done far more quickly and far better when I'm not getting interrupted every fifteen minutes. 

Anyway, things to know about today. 

1)  I don't feel like writing. 

2)  Having six people beneath you at work really sucks. 

3)  I'm sad that I'll be taking Lucifer to Blarney and Barney's tomorrow night in preparation for me going to Canberra. 

4)  I'm still thinking about the movie I watched last night on SBS online. Something called Burning Man - Australian fare from a few years ago. It was great. Possibly greater from the inclusion of Matthew Goode's bum ('tis a very good bum, it is).

5)  Being up to your eyeballs in Hardship payment arrangements is not fun. I must have been a terrible person in a former life. 

6)  I need to call somebody who is helping us with the paperwork for the property association. 

7)  My sweet tooth is being a bastard at the moment. I want a Magnum - but I will resist. I've made do with a smooshed up lychee and passionfruit home made ice block. But I still want a Magnum. 

8)  I'm a bit bemused about my Aunt's funeral notice. All of my life, she was known as Auntie Marg. When she was 65, she went to get her birth certificate so she could get her passport. It was then she found out she was registered on her birth certificate as Marjorie, much to her chagrin. It seems grandpa stuffed up. Anyway, her memorial announcement comes out as Marjorie. 

She always answered the phone "Margaret speaking." Hmph. I think she would be turning in her ash pot (she's been cremated already - not liking the cold, the family thought it better than leaving her on ice until we got together for the funeral.)

9)  As much as I a looking forward to seeing my family and saying goodbye to my aunt on Friday, I'm scared about what my inbox is going to look like on Monday (or technically Sunday - I'll be working again. 

10)  MAFS?! Where do they find these people. 

That will do. 

Today's song: 

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