Monday, February 21, 2022

Nap Time?

 Can I please go have a nap now? 

I've had a day where I've been putting on my supportive voice for most of the morning, making sure everybody else is okay, but none of my own work has been getting done. One of those days. 

And now I want a nap. 

Or a walk. 

Or both. 

I think this gall bladder episode was the universe's way of telling me to slow down and get a bit of perspective. 

Because I've been working six days a week for months now and I'm just a bit over it. 

So I want a nap. 

Or a walk. 

Or both. 

Instead of writing about corporate hardship arrangements and payment plans. 

Ho hum. 

Time to turn The Pogues up to eleven. 

Today's song: 

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