Sunday, February 20, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Friday 5

 After a week of crappy stuff, like doctors appointments and ultrasounds and blood tests (which have proven I have something which needs fixing, but is not life threatening or unfixable, but it will need seeing to in the fairly near future.) I'm sitting here at work, on a Sunday, trying to catch up on some work that didn't get done during the week. 

Anyway, here are this weeks questions, provided, as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1) What one event from your lifetime would you change if you could, and why?

Oh there is one moment I wish I'd dealt with differently. It involves a man and a kiss - well, a non-kiss. I've been kicking myself about that one for 25 years. Ah well, things happen for a reason. 

2) If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be and how old would your younger self be when they got it? Do you think your younger self would listen?

I would love to get hold of myself at around 14 and mentor her - hell, she needed it. I'd get her exercising, because exercise is the best thing ever. I'd let her know she's not as fat or ugly as she thinks she is. And I'd tell her to start trusting her gut, because she has very good instincts. She wouldn't listen, she's far too broken for that at the time, but I wish I could talk to her and maybe start the healing. 

3) If you could have a conversation with the historical figure of your choosing, whom would you pick and why? What would you talk about?

I'd love to talk to William Shakespeare. I'd love to be a part of his theatre troupe - and we could talk about EVERYTHING. 

4) What's a safety rule that's very important to you?

Wear your seat belt when you're in the car. Just wear he bloody thing. It takes a second and it will save your life if you are in an accident. 

5) What would you like to say to people in the future?

Be kind to each other and look after the planet. 

6) What's your favorite dish to bring to a summer cookout?

A summer cook out? Oh, you mean a barbeque. I'm the one who brings either the green salad (I do a good one with rocket (arugala) figs, goats cheese, and a balsamic dressing. If not that, then I bring the sweets - a decadent fruit salad or some sort of pudding like tiramisu or lemon pudding. 

7) How much time have you spent outdoors this week?

Nowhere near enough. I've spent most of the week on the couch feeling like crap. I'll head out for a walk soon. 

8) Where do you set your thermostat?

Living in Australia we don't have central heating. We do, however, have air conditioning. I was in Canberra with my folks last weekend staying in a hotel. In my room it was set down to 16 degrees Celcius (60 F) I like it cold. I sleep better when it's cold. 

9) How did you learn to swim?

I was taken to swimming lessons when I was 5-years-old. A lady called Mrs Brown, who once swam the English Channel, taught me how to swim in her backyard pool. I still love swimming. 

10) How do you avoid overheating?

I get naked. Or find air conditioning (like going to the movies) or take off my jumper. Or eat an ice blocl (Ice lolly / icy pole).

11). What are you going to do this weekend?

Unfortunately, I'm working today - and getting quite a bit done. I need to go see Blarney and Barney in a bit and do my food shopping too. 

Yesterday I went to meditation, had my hair cut and coloured and met up friends for a quick dinner and a movie. 

Friday night I went out for dinner and saw a play.

In all, a successful weekend. 

12) What’s your favorite way to spend time?

One of the following: (In no real order)

  • Reading
  • Watching movies
  • Spending time with friends
  • Swimming
  • Making love
  • Playing with kittens and puppies
  • Walking

13) What’s the most useless thing you own that you would never get rid of?

Probably Lucifer, my cat. He is wonderful, but he is bit useless. 

14) Have you started planning your next vacation?

In my head I have. I want to get on a plane and go to England for a few weeks. If not that, I might even look into taking myself on the Camino in France/Spain. To be honest, anywhere away from work at the moment would be a good thing. 

15) Are you very active, or do you prefer to just relax in your free time or is it one and the same to you?

I'm more active than the normal 53 year old. I need to exercise as it helps keep me sane. And I enjoy it. 

Today's song:


  1. Our answer to #5 is almost identical - be kind and take care of the earth!

  2. The Logical Song resonates in these times, doesn't it.

  3. I love the Logical Song!

    And after reading Maggie O'Farrell's Hamnet, I think I would have a lot to talk about with Shakespeare! Great choice.
