Wednesday, February 23, 2022

The Calm

The office is fairly quiet. It's a test run day - come in, see it's not that bad a place, have a coffee with a couple of my team members. You know, remember what life was like back  before March 2020, when they sent us home, only to return every now and then over the last two years.

So from Saturday, there's no masks inside - shopping centres, offices and the like. Which will be a bit strange, because after two years of wearing them, they've become second nature. I do like that they've kept the mask mandate for public transport. Long may it remain. I'm sure that's where you pick up most of the bugs you'll catch in your lifetime. 

There are a few more people in today. There's a feeling of anticipation in the air as we prepare to go back in to the office. Things aren't back to normal. The bananas in the fruit bowl are black, giving a sad feeling to the kitchen, as if Miss Havisham is about to come through. Things have gone walkabout - missing in action. Keyboards, monitors, you name it, it disappear into the void of the empty office if you don't lock them away. The dishwasher isn't working. The coffee machine, which wasn't, is now operational - showing the priorities of the office. 

It takes a bit to be around people now. It's not like it used to be. Even thought the restrictions are lifting it still doesn't feel right

But for the most part, all is calm.

I wonder what it will be like when I go in next week when half the office is in. 

Today's song: 


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