Thursday, February 24, 2022


 They're an eyesore. They're dangerous. They end up in the river. They're a nuisance. 

What are they? Change Managers? Magpies? European carp? Vladimir Putin? 

Nope, it's those bloody scooter things that are plagueing the streets of Melbourne. Or more to the point, inner Melbourne. They seem to be in every laneway, outside every McDonalds and they're just a bloody nuisance. 

Allegedly they are only available in the councils of Melbourne, Yarra and Port Phillip, but they seem to be everywhere. 

And the riders are tormenting pedestrians and drivers alike. On the way home from the gym tonight, three guys on tow scooters passed me by - one of them had the helmet provided on they bike on their heads. They're even more fear-bringing than bicycles, which, as a driver, I'm not ovelry fond of, not because they're a pain, more I fear running into them if things go awry. These scooter things feel even more exposed than bikes - plus the riders are less experienced than cyclists. 

On the good side of things, ride one of them on a footpath and get caught - you're up for a $845 fine. I believe the fine is the same for not wearing a helmet if you're on a bike. 

And from anectodal comments, if you're looking for one to get you somewhere, it costs $1.00 to start your journey, then 45 cents a minute - or you can rent the unit for the day for $15. That's if you can find one with the battery charged...

I don't know - like the e-bikes that plagued our streets a few years ago, I fear this scheme will go down the same path

Today's song: 

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