Friday, February 25, 2022

The T-Shirt

 It was a banal day at work. They are at the moment. Too long hours, too much too do. Sometimes you just have to say fuckit and do some online shopping. 

And as we are heading towards and election in the very near future, I decided to buy myself a t-shirt. 

This t-shirt. 

Because when you look at it, Pedro would make a better PM than the one we have at the moment. 

And after the week I've had, finding something like this was needed. 

Mind you, I went out tonight. Dinner and a play. I'll review the play in tomorrow's blog, as there is a bit to unpack and it was excellent. 

And for the first time in a long time - after putting on a dress and a little make up and wandering down St Kilda Road on the way to the cinema, Melbourne, felt like Melbourne again. 

There is a bit to celebrate. 

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