Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Things that make me happy: The Shakespearean Insult calendar

 Things that make me smile include the news that Scott Morrison got called out for being a "horrible, horrible person," (Like we didn't know that...).

And I really enjoy doing the Wordle puzzle at a minute past midnight - as this is the last thing I do before I turn out the light to go to sleep. Love today's word, just love it. 

The thing I like doing most in the morning is turning over the page on my Shakespearean Insult calendar. Jonella got me this for Christmas, and it sparks much joy. 

As a Shakespeare boffin, this tickles my Bard bone. He has such a way with words. 

And there are times where you wish, and hope that you can work into a conversation. 

You really, really want to work it into a conversation. 

Please can I work this into a conversation. Please.....

Today's song: 

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