Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Return of MAFS

 Thank goodness I say too. Hooray. MAFS (Married at First Sight) is back on the telly - and I have something to look forward to in the evenings. 

Yes. My life is that sad. 

But if you looked at my work calender and been through the days I've been having - most hours taken up with training or meetings, plas putting out fires... and today, I was in the office - got in about 7.45 am, left at 5.45 pm, didn't get a proper lunch break - heated up something in the microwave and ate it at my desk while I was tuned into a meeting - then trained up two team members...among other things.

And tomorrow looks just as hideous. Back to back meetings all day. At least I'm working from home so I don't have to drive in. gives me another 20 minutes back in my day. 

So I'm going to watch MAFS if I want to. It's mindless drivel. It's train wreck telly. Just what I need and about all I can absorb. 

And my team can pay me out in the stand up at  9 am.

So I'm watching MAFS, while doing the ironing. And going into the bedroom to give the cat a kiss on the head every half an hour. 

It's about all I'm capable of doing at the moment. 

Today's song: 

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