Wednesday, March 9, 2022


 I'll admit to this here. 

I've gone on the apps. 

The apps you ask?

The dating apps. Online dating. Tinder for oldies. Actually I'm not on Tinder, but one that's a bit gentler that a couple of friends have recommended. 

Initially, I went on the apps as a bit of research for my novel. I want my protagonist, Faith, go have a go and see what's out there.

So I bit the bullet and cast out the net to see what's out there. For research. 

I have to say, middle aged men are not that inspiring. Seriously. 

But after a lot of swiping left, there were a couple of people who piqued my interest. The fellow with the nice eyes and kind smile - this is good currency. 

There was the cute French dude, who was a bit stuck up (unfriend, unmatch, no drama).

Then this other fellow popped up. Age appropriate. Not too far away. Separated. No agendas. In  one of his photos he had a Pixies ticket in his mouth. And he likes gin. 

He'll do. 

We've been gently chatting for two weeks. 

The way I see it, if I meet somebody nice to go have a drink with, all well and good. If I make a friend, even better. Anything more is icing on the cake. 

And one good thing about this fellow is he makes me question things. Like the principle of GGG. 

I think GGG and I think of my neice, Georgina Gayle Grant. No, GGG in the dating world stands for Good, Giving and Game. Good to be around. Generous in may ways. And game for anything - within reason. 

And I find myself questioning if I fit the bill. After all, it's been a very long time since I've done anything like this and I don't quite know how to answer these sorts of questions. 

At least I'm getting out there. 

Today's song: 

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