Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Meet Bart

 I received a random text from my mother on Sunday as I was driving home from the Great Ocean Road. 

It was a photo. I didn't actually know my mother knew how to send photos over her mobile phone Anyway, I got this photo. 

I was driving back, and I didn't get to ask about who this cat was. It could see it was being held by my step-dad, but as for the cat.... My mother is like me. She'll talk to any cat. 

Anyway, Mum calls tonight to ask if I got her text. "What text?" I asked. 

"The cat."

I explained I'd been busy and hadn't got to enquire more. 

It seems that this is Bartholomew. Or Bart for short. 

The vet near my mother was looking to rehome Bartholomew. Or Bart for short. 

Good biblical name.

Anyway, Mum and Graham were suckered into at least visiting this pale orange moggie, who it appears ingratiated himself to them, sitting on their laps and purring and being a general big orange nuisance. 

Then they had some chats. Friends will come feed him and look after him when they go away. 

Mum and Graham are picking him up on Thursday. 

They swore they were never going to get another cat, not after Freda the bitch. 

But my Mum is getting a cat and all is alright with the world.

I just feel a bit bad because I can't take Lucifer over for extended stays now. And he so liked going to Grandma's place...

He'll have a lovely life with Mum and Graham. He'll be spoiled rotten. 

Welcome to the family, Bart. 

Today's song: 

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