Thursday, March 3, 2022

I miss him

 He was a prick again. Got wind that I was getting out the cat cage and he bolted under the bed., under which he stayed for over half an hour and I tried to cajole him out. 

Finally, he came out, only to be caught, shoved in a cage and taken over the Westgate Bridge to Blarney and Barney's place. 

He's now sitting in their cupboard. But Blarney got to give him a pat while I was around, and now he's sitting in the bottom of their wardrobe, happy enough. 

But my place feels very empty without him. 

There's no little wet nose prodding my leg wanting treats. Not nails on the floorboards scuttling about. No demands for attention with a plaintive wail. Nobody walking on the keyboard. No one wanting to play. Nobody sitting next to me on the windowsill. 

We've been together two years in a few weeks. 

Who knew this little black house panther would become the love of my life. 

Today's song: 

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