Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Away from the shit show

One more day of the eighth level of hell.

According the Dante and Wikipedia, " In this circle are punished people who used fraud against those with whom they had no special bond of trust (simple fraud). ... They are naked and punished by being whipped violently by demons."

That was half my day.

The other half was spent in the fifth level of hell. Again, which according to Dante and Wikipedia, "In the swampy, stinking waters of the river Styx – the Fifth Circle – the actively wrathful fight each other viciously on the surface of the slime, while the sullen (the passively wrathful) lie beneath the water, withdrawn, "into a black sulkiness which can find no joy in God or man or the universe".

Yep that sounds about right. 

I'd rather be somewhere fun, like the second level of hell - but alas this is not the case. 

But I have one more day before I leave the shit show that is work for four days. 

The work laptop is going into the cupboard at 6 pm tomorrow night. 

Before I go away I need to: 

  • Cut my toenails
  • Do a RAT test
  • Deliver Lucifer to Blarney and Barney's place
  • Pack
  • Clean the flat
  • Try and decide what I want to write this weekend (as the novel is escaping me at the moment)
  • Write a letter for the Property Association (yet another shit show)
  • And try and relax enough so I can have a great time at my writer's retreat knowing that I can't drink this weekend.
Hopefully, by the end of next week, the worst of this shit show will be over. 

And I will have had four days off to get some perspective and energy back. 

And I hope my fellow retreaters like giving hugs, because I need some at the moment. 

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