Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Notes from a Long Day

 Finally unhooking my bra about ten minutes ago, I finally felt myself relax. Finally. 

I'm not thinking about work. I shut down my work computer at 10.30 pm last night. Tonight, it was 7.30 pm tonight when I shut it off - but I could do no more. My brain was absolutely fried. 

I have Friday and Monday off, I'm just trying to clear the decks before I go away. There is no way I am turning on my work computer before 8 am on Tuesday morning. I NEED this time off. 

On the good side of things, I have been getting a lot of purry cuddles from Lucifer. That's always good. He's not going to be happy when I take him over to Blarney and Barney's on Thursday night. I do love that little creature, all six kilos of him. He was funny today. Got himself a dag. Cats with dags are hilarous. The humiliation on their little faces is just priceless. 

I shouldn't laugh at his misfortune. 

Brightening the day slightly is the chats I've been having with a fellow on Bumble. I call this a minor dipping of the toe into the dating / making friends game. I'm going in with no agenda or expectations - and if I come out of this with a friend, then I've suceeded. Anyway, he, we'll call him Mr Ormond, helped brighten the day. We bonded over gin and The Pixies. It's just nice to talk to somebody who I'm not working with at the moment. 

And I'm looking forward to a weekend down the Great Ocean Road.

Nuff said. 

Today's song:

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