Saturday, March 5, 2022


Shane Warne is dead.

Shane Warne is dead and I am broken.

Shane Warne is dead, and I am broken, but this is life.

Shane Warne is dead, and I am broken, but this is life, and I, at least can heal.

Shane Warne is dead, and I am broken, but this is life, and I, at least can heal, unlike Shane Warne.

I want to say a kaddish for Shane Warne.

For this is life, and all is as it should be.

I want to say a kaddish for Shane Warne,

For this is life, and all is as it should be,

And this is all a part of the greater plan.

I want to say a kaddish for Shane Warne,

For this is life, and all is as it should be,

And this is all a part of the greater plan,

Even if it sucks dog’s balls.

And even though I am broken,

I can heal.

For this is life.

And all is as it should be,

And this is a part of the greater plan.

Hallelujah. Amen. 

I woke to the news of Shane Warne's passing. He was a year younger than me. Okay, he lived the high life, allegedly a bit of a drug fiend, loved his texting, loved live, loved women. He was a big hearted Virgo - that's what they do. 

My first response was to message a friend who is married to one of Shane's old mentors. "Thinking of you and Jack today," read the message. She wrote back, "He's stunned. Goes to show how precious every day is."

She's right. 

Life is precious. 

But all is as it should be. 

Of course, I would rather be saying the Kaddish in Hebrew. It always resonates better in the original. And you can't get angry at a prayer which has been said for over a thousand years. A prayer which takes the sting out of death. A prayer for the living. A prayer about life. 

Shane Warne is dead, and it sucks dog's balls because it reminds us, especially we who grew up and watched this character live larger than life across the media, with his blue eyes and hair plugs and larrakin ways. And we mourn his bogan charms and his infinite potention. And we think of his family, his newly adulted children. His friends and family.

And we are reminded of our own mortality. 

Because this is lfe. 

Today's song: 

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