Sunday, March 6, 2022

Sunday Stealing: From Kwizgiver

 I’m writing this from down the Great Ocean Road on a Writer’s retreat. As always, it’s been a transformative experience and I get to commune with a mob of like-minded women (and the odd bloke) and we write, laugh, cry, sing, dance, skinny-dip and generally have a ball for the weekend. I’m just back from the Sunday morning ritual skinny dip, which I nearly didn’t attend, but FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) got the better of me and I was in the strangely warm waters of the Southern Ocean on this blowy morning with the rest of the lunatics. It really is the best start to the day. 

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing.  

1. How long have you lived in your current residence?

A little over 15 years.

2. What changes have you made to it since you got there?

I haven’t made the changes as I rent, but I have put up a blind in the kitchen, as the curtains that were there were always threatening to be set alight. I have block out curtains in my bedroom and living room – which are good for insulation. I’ve painted the place out twice on the landlord’s coin and they’ve remodelled the bathroom and put down floorboards, which I am VERY happy about as the carpet was manky when I moved it. They’re much easier to clean. 

3. What surprised you about living in your place or in your neighborhood?

How quiet living inner city can be. 

4. If someone were considering moving in next door, what would you warn them about?

The junkies. The needle exchange is about 500 meters away and the local ‘flora and fauna’ can be interesting. For the most part they cause no problems, especially as the area is know for the heroin trade – people get their fixes and go off. But you do have to keep your eyes open. There’s very little trouble – just the occasional stray. 

5. If you have to move in the next 45 days, what are you definitely not taking with you?

A lot of the crap in my kitchen. The kitchen really needs a good clean out and I can see some things being sent to the op shop or just turfed. Also there are some boxes in the top of my wardrobe that I haven’t looked in in years. They can go too. 

6. What are you currently reading?

On audiobook I’m nearly finished The Invisible Life of Addie La Rue by VE Schwab – which I am loving. On paper, I’m just about to start Michelle de Kretzer’s Scary Monsters. 

7. What did you recently finish reading?  

The last two books I’ve read were Viktor E. Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning and Deborah Harkness’ A Discovery of Witches. (Yeah, I know, HUGE difference in genres)

8. What do you think you’ll read next?

I really want to restart and re-read Mrs Dalloway, and I might go into the next book in the Harness trilogy. 

9. When did you take the road less travelled?

As often as possible. 

10. Did you ever participate in a talent show?

No. I don’t have that sort of talent. I can’t carry a tune in a bucket and my dancing is dodgy. 

11. When did you most recently strike out?

Funny, I don’t see not being able to do something as striking out – it’s more an opportunity to learn. I did miss a deadline at work, and I know when I get back from this retreat work is going to be stupid, but it’s not a failure missing these deadlines – it’s a failure of management to plan. 

12  Where do you go to find yourself?

Nature, and in particular, water. If I can’t go for a swim, a walk along the river or a trip to the beach sorts me out.

13. What do you have mixed feelings about?

Quite a few things. Vaccine mandates, though I agree with them in principle they give me an uneasy feeling. I’m triple vaccinated myself, but I do, to a point, see why people are against it – even if I don’t agree with the anti-vaxxer set.

14. What did you most recently add to your collection of something?

Books. I have far too many books. I am always adding to my book collection – but in my defence, I also try and shed a few now and then. 

15. When did something most recently stir you to tears?

Ah, coming to this retreat, I came in broken – I know I was broken. Work has broken me. But the way I see it, I’m like the Japanese art of kintsugi, where the cracks are filled with gold. This weekend has been about filling the cracks with gold. It’s been amazing.


  1. I'm so glad that you are leaving your retreat whole again. I love the thought of "gold" in all of my cracked and broken places.

  2. I like that "filling the cracks with gold". Glad it went so well for you!

  3. Your retreat sounds like such fun. I'm glad you're having a good time.
