Sunday, March 27, 2022

Sunday Stealing: From Pinterest

 Well, I am home after my first date in 15 years. A pleasant coffee was had. I will say no more, but I am winning having a pleasant coffee on a lovely afternoon. Mind you, some stuff has been filed away under use for the novel :). All is well. 

Questions, provided as always by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Are you living a meaningful life.

Not really. I should do something about that. 

2. What’s the one thing you cannot live without?

My friends. They are everything to me. 

3. When is it acceptable, if ever, to break the law

Umm, as somebody who broke the law daily for six years I can't talk. But the way I see it, if you're not hurting anybody, then so be it. I don't see stealing food when you can't afford it as a big thing. Smaller misdemeanors can often be wiped away. Hurting somebody in self defence is allowable. Drugs, particulary personal use laws, should be wound back - as more often than not, long term drug use is a disease. There are too many grey areas in the law. I'm just saying that if people are not being inconvenienced or hurt, let them do it (like me and my immigration status way back then). 

4. What do you want your final words to be

Thank you. Maybe an attitude of gratitude will get me into heaven.

5. What do you think are the five most beautiful things in the world?

  • Kindness
  • Puppies and kittens
  • Roses
  • Sunrises and sunsets
  • The ocean

6. What makes you feel empowered?

This is going to sound strange, but going for a naked swim in the ocean in the bracing waters of the Southern Ocean on those writer's retreats is one of the most empowering and enlightening feelings. I'm not sure what it is. That you're doing something illicit? That there feels like there is a sense of danger? That you're facing the elements head on. I don't know what it is, but it feels fantastic for days after. 

7. Which is more important–what you say, or how you say it?

Both are important - and equally important. I can't separate the two. 

8. Do you live to work, or work to live?

I work to live. If I didn't have to pay bills I'd not be working.

9. How do you think the world will change in 10 years? 50? 100?

Do you really think there will be a planet in 100 years the way we are going? Really. With everything going on at the moment, I don't want to think about it. Hopefully, as a world, we are a lot kinder to the planet. 

10. What is something you’re certain you’ll never experience?


11. What one responsibility do you wish you didn’t have?

I wish I was not on the Property Association for the Freemasons. Franky, I'm just over it - but if I walked away, nobody would pay the bills. 

12. What is something you’re embarrassed that you’re so good at?

I'm good at the following thing - all of which are a bit embarrassing. 

  • Knitting
  • Crocheting
  • Starting arguments from 10 kilometres away
  • Driving anything
  • Rhyming

13. What’s the one thing you most want to achieve before you die?

I really want to publish a couple of books. 

14. What’s something that offends you?

Rude peope, particularly people who are rude to service staff. 

15. What makes you most angry about the country?

Pretty much everything the current Australian Federal Government either offends me or makes me angry. Allegedly we're having a Federal Election on 14 May. I will be four days out of surgery - but I am hoping we can have an election party where ever I may be and I hope we will be celebrating the demise of the current fuck up fairies who pretend they are in charge. 

Today's song:


  1. #1. I am sure you are living a meaningful life really.

    #6. Swimming naked? I wouldn't subject ANY person to see my naked body floating in the sea.

    Good song choice too - one of my favourites.




  2. Excellent song choice--RIP Taylor Hawkins.

  3. Nobody is indispensable. If you don't want to do the Freemasons thing, then don't. Somebody will pay the bills. And if they don't, so what?

  4. I agree with your answer about rude people! I didn't answer my question that way but when I read yours, my head was doing the up and down "I agree" shake!
