Monday, March 28, 2022

Movie Review: The Duke

Movie 11 of 2022

The Film: The Duke

The Cinema: Village Cinemas - The Rivoli

Stars: 4 1/2

For me, this was a nearly perfect movie. Not only does it have Matthew Goode in it (current celebrity boyfriend) but it portrays a little remembered event in British history which shows the English at their barking mad best. 

It's 1961 and Kempton Bunton (Jim Broadbent) is a Geordie activist who's looked on by the community as barking mad. His latest crusade it to let the Old Aged Pensioners to get there television licences for free (I had to explain to my friends what a television licence was - being aware of them when I lived in England) To get out of paying the licence, Kempton takes out the cathode which receives BBC1... go figure. His long suffering wife, Dorothy (played by the amazing Helen Mirren) takes the old duffer in his stride. Nobody does a long suffering wife like Helen Mirren, playing her age (or more to the point, 10 years younger than her current age). 

Anyway, on a trip to London, and incensed  Kempton, agitated about the British Government spending a packet on a Goya painting, on a whim, breaks into the National Gallery and steals the painting, which ends up sitting in the wardrobe in his box room in Newcastle for a bit. Until a few weeks later, Kempton takes the Goya back, walking into the National Gallery with it wrapped in newspaper under his arm. 

The film then goes into the court proceedings and what happened next (Which is where Matthew Goode comes in, playing his lawyer). You also get to meet Kempton and Dorothy's family and get a good view of what is happening in Britain, some 15 years after World War II, when things weren't like they are now. 

I loved this. This is a charming film - a very funny film in places, but one that ultimately restores your faith in humanity as the somewhat gormless, always caring Kempton shows up the British legal system. It's also wonderful because the rest of the cast will have you scratching your head and saying, "I know you from somewhere...". And of course, Matthew Goode is in it. And I have a spoft spot for when Helen Mirren goes all plain. 

But this is Jim Broadbent's movie, and the twinkle in his eyes has to be seen and celebrated. 

Another movie which is great to take your mother to. Hear that, Mum?

This is up there with movies like Their Finest, Misbehaviour, Pride, Brassed Off, Billy Eliot and Kinky Boots. 

Go. Take your Mum. Enjoy. You can thank me later. 

Today's song: 

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