Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Give me another three hours

 It's been one of those days. 

I've worked a full eight hour day. I need another three or four hours in this day. 

I did manage to cook myself some lunch, if you call blanching some broccolini, asparagus and edamame, before heaping that on top of some rice and salmon (with pickled ginger) and going back to my computer. 

I got none of my own work done. 

The day was spent helping others, putting out fires, teaching people stuff, getting on with things so that the rest of the streams were working well and getting on top of their stuff. 

But me, nup. It's now time to get some real work done.

It's 8 pm. 

I have at least two hours of concentrated effort ahead of me to get some stuff that looks like my work done. 

And part of this is to clear the way for tomorrow, knowing I'm going out tomorrow night. 

And part of it is knowing if I don't get this done I'm going to get quizzed by my boss. 

And part of it is knowing that I get more done in these two hours with MAFS on in the background. 

And at least I've taken a few hours off, gone into town to collect the mail and to go for a long walk - which has made me feel a lot better about things. 

But still. 

I'm just a bit over this. 

Today's song:

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