Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The Book Launch

The Book: True North by Catherine Deveny

The Location: Tempo Rubato, Brunswick

One must show support for one's mentors. And tonight, all stops needed to be pulled. It was a meeting of the tribe, celebrating our fearless leader, the head of the feminist benevolent dictatorship, our chief MILF**, Catherine Deveny. 

We've been waiting for this book for 18 months. Tonight, it was launched. 

And I've now got it into my head that I can write a book and have a fabulous book launch like that.... but I'm getting ahead of myself. 

So, I left work on time. I put on my fabulous cherry dress, slapped on some war paint, ran fingers and product through my curls, dangled some silver from my ears and gave myself a squirt of Juliette's got a Gun's Lady Vengeance and I was out the door in half an hour. Frocking up, was also necessary. 

It was a meeting of the tribe. We all know each other wearing trackie dacks, jumpers and ugg boots - or nothing at all during the ritual retreat Sunday morning skinny dip. It would be good to be seen looking a bit more polished. Besides, it's a night out of the house, with people, and alcohol - and a kitten, but we won't go there. 

I made it to Tempo Rubato a few minutes late, got my vaccination status checked, then in to door to the proceedings. Clementine Ford helped launch to book. Another person I admire by the bucketful, I was hoping to catch her, buy a physical copy of her wonderful book,  How We Love, have her sign the copy, and thank her for writing such an amazing book - it's been one of the best things I've read this year. I wouldn't be amiss thanking her for the vibrator recommendation - but this was a night about books, and words, and supporting and decent company, my little helper in my bedside table could stay out of the topics of conversation. 

Anyway, back to Dev and her book. 

After a few more speeches and a Q&A session it was on to the catching up, meeting people and socialising. 

Most of the Gunnas - as we are known (people who attend Dev's masterclasses and Writer's Retreats) had frocked up a little - just because. When your Queen says celebrate, we celebrate.

Catching up with the tribe was great. A couple of meet ups and music gigs have been discussed. For me, to be surrounded again by these wonderful like minded people. A tribe who love and support you without prejudice or judgement - it's a too good a feeling to to go along. Walking in I found K - a partner in crime from the last retreat. Big hugs and heartfelt I love yous were the theme of the night. Fi placed a G&T in my hand. Lots of meeting up with others I've met either online or in person over the years. 

I bought the book - well two books. I'm now the owner of Clementine Ford's How We Love on paper. It was duly signed and I will cherish this. If you haven't had a chance to read it, do so. It is a generous, thoughful exposition about love in it's many forms. 

And then over to Dev to get my copy signed. Another book to love - up there with my tatty signed copy of Louis de Bernieres' Captain Corelli's Mandolin, and my copy of Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book which Terry Jones signed for me many years ago. . 

After a hug and some hearty congratulations, my book was stamped and signed. The stamp was chosen with care, as these stamps always are. I was expecting the "Pull your finger out, your excuses are bullshit" one. I've received that one before. (As I said, benevolent, feminist dictatorship - tough love is a given).

I was pleasantly surprised. 

There was more talking, more laughing and another G&T. 

The offer of a lift home was accepted, and I was back home with the cat by just past nine. 

Never more have I been grateful for being a part of this tribe of strong, vibrant, eclectic and interesting women. 

And I'm truly grateful to Catherine Deveny for just being herself, and being so bloody generous with her time, her words and her ideas. I'll start the book tonight. I've read a number of her other books and they're great. 

It's now time to pull my finger out, write that bloody book, get it published and have a fabulous book launch party so I can return the favour. I've seen what I want to do, now I just have to do it. 

Oh, and Dev, if you're reading this, I fucking love you too. xx

Today's song: 

** MILF - acronym for "Mother I'd like to f*ck - I'm not a Mum so I can't be a MILF. 

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