Thursday, March 31, 2022

Try Faking It!

Last night's book launch has got the fire in my belly about writing my own book flaring again. 

So I'm arming myself with the tools required to write this bloody thing. (although I've got two and a half books in the planning and writing stage, there is the one passion project that I want to get off the ground first). 

And I've got Catherine Deveny's words in my head. 

Write in the gaps. 

In other words, those ten minutes all add up. Ten minutes here and there. It will get you somewhere. 

And use your prompts. 

I've got a lot of these stashed around my place and person. There's always a deck of tarot cards within five meters of me. At home, my set of Cards Against Humanity sit on the bookshelf behind me, always good for a laugh and left of centre pivot. 

And then there's the Oblique Strategies deck I have on my phone. Open the app, shake the phone, tap the screen, and get provided with a way to tackle the problem. There are great as they can help turn around your thinking. 

So today's missive from the great digital beyond read:

Try faking it!


Personally, I think all I ever do is fake it. Isn't that's what life is about - trying to look like you know what you're doing when you really don't have a clue. 

I know I was faking it a bit last night when I was out at that book launch. I had my armour on - my snug fitting cherry dress, make up, red lippy, kitten heels. Is that really me? I'm not sure. I feel like a bit of an actor when I'm out like this. The real me is happier sitting on the couch with the cat, in my pyjamas, drinking a gin and tonic. 

But when it comes to writing - how does one fake it?

Do you put on your writer's persona and get on with it? Or pretend you can actually do this? Or maybe just write so in-authentically that writing takes on a life of its own. 

Who knows, yet this is the head space I need to get back into. 

Each time I see a friend launch a book - achieve something I think is impossible, the fire is stoked again. 

And I can do this. I just have to let myself do this. 

Today's song:

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