Sunday, March 20, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Swap Bot

 Autumn is finally upon us, even if it is still 25 degrees outside (77 F). The leaves have started to turn and fall. There is a chill in the air in the evening. It is most wonderful of feelings. I love that we have a deciduous tree in our car park - I love going leaf kicking - do it a lot. 

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Do you like sushi?

Yes - love the stuff - particularly sashimi. Raw fish is good for you. 

2. What color is your car?

Red. To be really specific, Mazda Soul Red. This is a clean version of my car. 

3. What is your favorite thing about the place where you live?

The diversity. The great coffee. The closeness to the river. The fact that I can get to work in 30 minutes door to door on public transport. Of my flat, it's in a quiet area, I've got a spare room and it is cozy. 

4. Are there brands of certain items that you will ONLY buy that brand? Ie paper towels, ketchup etc

Yes. I will only buy Heinz baked beans - there are no other. And Lee and Perrins Worcestershire Sauce. And Kewpie mayonnaise. And Bickford's Lime Juice cordial. There are a few things that I prefer the real stuff to the home brand items. 

5. Are you allergic to any food? Animals? Plants? Medicines?

Other than bactrim gives me a rash and morphine makes me throw up

6. Have you ever been stung or bitten by an animal?

Oh, yes. Other than the normal mozzie bites, I have had a couple of bee stings, the worst being when I was a teenager and a swarm of bees flew over the house. A been flew down my top and stung me on the nipple. It was a very, very uncomfortable week as my breast blew up on that side. I was a C cup on my good side and a E or F on the other. Horrible experience. 

7. Do you have a favorite bird? Do you feed the bird at your house or the park?

As a rule, I really don't like birds. I'll feed the ducks and admire the black swans around the place, but I like to keep them at a distance. My favourite bird is the Blue Footed Booby. I just like its name. 

8. What would you recommend bingeing on Netflix or similar?

The last two things I've been bingeing on a streaming service are A Discovery of Witches and This is Going to Hurt. Both are English fare with some of my favourite English actors. 

If you missed The West Wing or True Blood, they are great too. 

9. What is your proudest achievement?

It's a toss up between running a couple of half marathons and gaining my Masters. 

10. Do you have or are you from a big family?

No - It's a pretty nuclear family - though I have 15 cousins. Just a mum, stepdad, sister and stepsister. 

11. What do you do for exercise?

Lots of things - I go to the gym and do circuit/weight training, as well as walk. And I like swimming when I get a chance. I used to run. I used to love running. 

12. What would be your favorite breakfast? (You didn’t have to cook it yourself.)

Ohh, another toss up. I love Eggs Benedict when done well. But there is also almost anything on the Three Bags Full menus - a local cafe which does amazing breakfasts - the peach melba waffles look amazing. Unfortunately, at the moment I have to be careful because they're yanking my gall bladder in a few weeks and I have to keep fats to a minimum. 

13. Is there an item that you really want but can not afford?

A house. A boyfriend. A golden retriever puppy. A BMW sports car. All of which are out of my reach for various reasons. I rent here in Melbourne as house prices have been extortionate for over a decade on one income (and I love my lifestyle). You can't buy a boyfriend. The other two things are pipe dreams which are just impractical, no matter how much I love golden retriever puppies. 

14.  What was the farthest distance you made for your holidays?

Living in Australia, I've been both to Ireland and the East Coast of the United States. In both cases, it's at least 24 hours travel away. 

15. Are you afraid of speaking in public?

Not really. I can do it comfortably, but it doesn't mean I enjoy it. 

Today's song: 


  1. Hi Pand,

    #8 - I liked True Blood - I like most things with vampires (apart from the Twilight Saga which was utterly terrible).

    And I love the Blue Footed Booby. What a weird name.




  2. Peach melba waffles sound delicious!

  3. There's a True Blood reboot in the works!

  4. That bee sting--OUCH!! I got stung on the cheek once, and my face was lopsided for days.

  5. I would love to see a blue footed booby! They looks so cool!! I, too, had a bee sting on a breast when I was about 14. It was on the side though - we were at a swimming pool and had on swimsuits so there was more breast exposed than normal :-). My friend's father smoked and my friend's mom took one of his cigarettes and got the tobacco out of it and made a paste of it and put it on the sting. I have no idea if it worked or not - the whole thing was rather traumatic!
