Saturday, March 19, 2022

The best of March

Nothing makes you slap on sunscreen like a squamous cell carcinoma.

I'm the first to admit that I've not been vigilant in the past about sunscreen. I'm rarely outside. I've got the type of skin that gets a lick of sun and I tan, thanks to some darker skinned relations way back in the dark ages, but mainly, I'm not outside in the sun much. If I know I'm going to be out for a while, the sunscreen goes on. Today, as I went for a drive down Bayside to have my hair coloured, the sunscreen went on my face. 50+. A light emulsion, which dries matte, Ultra Violette 50+. I probably should get another bottle. It's the lightest 50+ I've found. It sits well. It's not greasy. It doesn't feel like sunscreen on your face, which is my biggest misgiving about the stuff. It just feels crap when you put it on. 

See, being a lovely day outside, and with an hour's drive down to the hairdresser (yes, I drive 45-60 minute to see my darling hairdresser) it's sunny out. Brightly sunshiny. It's time I started doing this daily, if I'm going out for more than then minutes. It will be a struggle, but a with all habits, they take time to take root. It will be done. 

But today was the best of March. There's the brightness of the full moon, the sweet, cloying smell of night blooming jasmine mixing in the warm night air. The sun is warm enough to keep you in a t-shirt, but the breeze takes the edge off. The leaves have started to turn. Autumn is here, even though the warmth is still around, you know it won't be for much longer. 

It's just the way things are. 

Today's song:

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