Thursday, April 7, 2022

30 Words

April brings the Writer's Victoria Annual #FlashFiction competition. 

Each day in April, at around 9 a.m. a tweet is sent out with the word of the day. It looks like this

You have until midnight to tweet back a 30 word story.

Once a week on a Tuesday Writers Victoria announce the best tweets/stories of the day. At the end of the month, the best story is judged and there's a small prize to be had. 

This is an absolute godsend for me. 30 words, sculpting a publishable story, getting it out there, and seeing what the Twitterverse things of it.

On the good side of things, the people who participate in this are lovely people. It's nice when you see the likes ramping up - anything over 15 and I think I've done a good job. Met some good people over Twitter this way. (For the record, I tweet under another name and I only use the app for writing stuff and occasionally checking news - as a friend once said, Twitter is the place where you go to yell at your enemies - I keep my twitter feed very clean, positive and unpolluted).

I also love the short, sharp creative outlet - like my Instagram page. Funny, in that I had a talk with a colleague about this today. I often share my Insta stories with her. She loves that there isn't a duckface in sight. 

Anyway, I'm loving this annual challenge. I love what you can get out in 30 words. I love that I can do this and be a part of a writing tribe. 

It makes me happy. 

Sure, some of these stories are better than others. Then you can go about and amaze yourself.

I wasn't certain about this morning's effort, but it appears to have gone down well. 

It's all a matter of honing the skills. 

Like this blog, it's all a part of the practice. 

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