Wednesday, April 6, 2022

I have no desire to write tonight

I'm knackered. 

Here are some good things from the day:

  1. My boss bought me lunch (on expenses - she was down from Sydney)
  2. I met a colleague who I've been speaking to for 16 months. He lives in Tasmania. He's delightful. 
  3. The tram was a minute down the road on the right side (i.e. coming towards the stop) instead of having it fly by as I'm 50 metres from the tram stop. 
  4. I walked home from the train tonight. 
  5. Gym was good - I got to work out with Angus, who was visiting as his trainer is away. Jay is still recovering from COVID. 
  6. My 30 word story garnered 17 likes on Twitter. This is good for me
  7. The 30 word story took 3 minutes to write. 
  8. This is the 30 word story. Today's word was 'intermittent'.
"Her sanity was intermittent at best. She searched for it under doona and while tightrope-walking bar balconies. Moods swinging, nothing stayed calm. Searching for an impossible horizon, she screamed, ‘Enough!' "

9. I love April because I love the 30 word story challenge run by the Victorian Writer's Centre.
10. I'm happy I have done this blog post - even if it isn't a real blog post. 

That will do. Bed for me I think. 

Today's song:

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