Friday, April 29, 2022

About time

 Yesterday, it was announced that the 21 year long ban of people who have lived in the U.K. between  1980 and 1996 will no longer be precluded from giving blood to the Australian Blood Bank

And I'm breathing a sigh of relief. 

For nearly 22 years I've been ineligible from donating blood because I've been deemed to be a mad cow, basically. 

I lived in England from 1991-1999. 

But until they banned people who had lived in the UK during this time due to the risk of transferring CJD / Mad Cow disease, I gave blood regularly. It was my one and only public service activity.

From a young child, Mum used to take myself and my sister down to the blood bank with her when she donated. It doesn't hurt. It's a good thing to do. The way it was explained to me was that this was a way of ensuring that the community stays well. If you give blood, then if anything happens, there will hopefully be blood for you there if you need it. As my father had numerous open heart surgeries when I was a child, this struck a chord. 

When my niece had leukaemia, she underwent numerous blood transfusions. It was a blessing that blood was available for her. I'm going in for surgery week after next. Hopefully I won't need blood, but it would be good to know that a pint or two of O Positive is on hand just in case. 

I remember a friend and I went and donated blood on the last possible day we could donate blood back in December 2000. 

We have wanted to do this. I fit the bill for giving blood - in good health, over 55 kg, not anaemic, no fresh tattoos, no precluding medical conditions.

It appears that from later this year, I'll be able to give blood again. It will take a few months for them to get the systems in place to take our blood - get the mad cow marker off the systems. 

I'm looking forward to doing this minor act of public service once again, rather than just being on the sidelines encouraging people to donate blood and stop being a wuss. Besides, it doesn't hurt and they give you sausage rolls / biscuits / milkshakes after. The Adelaide blood bank used to do the best milkshakes in tin cups - they were grouse.

We mad cows who haven't been able to give blood for years are looking forward to no longer being ostracised. 

For more information about donating blood, go to

This is a very good thing to do. 

Today's song: 

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