Thursday, April 28, 2022

Wanker Beer

 I took a lunchtime stroll to Dan Murphy's this afternoon to collect a workmate's leaving present. 

Said workmate was asked to provide a list of his favourite alcohol. We walk about alcohol a bit in my team and I had a few ideas about what they might like, but still it's nice to receive a leaving gift you might like. 

Their response was as follows:

  • Japanese whisky
  • Deep reds
  • Craft beer.
Yes, my colleague is a bit of a hipster. 

The collection was taken up. The click and collect order was made. Then I found I had a bit of extra money in the kitty. 

So, arriving at Dan Murphy's, I collected the said Japanese Whisky, but then asked the the shop assistant if she could point me towards the wanker beer. 

"Wanker beer?"
"Yes, wanker beer." I said. 
"I don't think we stock that."

I then explained I was after craft beer that hipsters drink - i.e. Wanker Beer. She still looked at me blankly. I think she may have had a bit of an irony deficiency. 

"Okay, try again. Where can I find craft beer from smaller breweries."

This she understood. But she was bemused when I selected four random cans from the shelves which came to just under $20. 

I still find it hard to believe that a staff member at Dan Murphy's doesn't know what wanker beer is.

Oh well. 

Today's song:

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