Sunday, April 17, 2022

And Lent is Over

 I did it. 

I survived a whole three and a half months without eating a hot cross bun. 

See, hot cross buns are one of my most favourite things, but as I've been watching what I eat, I've sworn off the buggers, so much so that I swore off them for Lent. So, today, being Easter Sunday, I allowed myself a couple of the buggers on a very rare day off from the diet. 

And they were wonderful. 

I'm still very mad at Baker's Delight for not doing their exceptional mocha hot crossed buns - they were as addictive as crack. Talking to the girl in our local franchise, she said that the shop on Glenferrie Road in Armadale did them, but there's not enough black linen and hair extensions to get me down there. 

So, for the first time ever, I made it through Lent without over-indulging in hot cross buns in the first three months of the years. 

Am I proud of myself?


Is my waist line better for it? Yes - especially as I can't go past slathering these warm morsels with lots of butter. 

Did I enjoy my Easter buns today? Yes. 

Do I want any more? No. 

It appears this lifestyle change diet thing is working. I've had my Easter buns. I've had a day off the diet. That is enough. Back to the fold tomorrow.

Oh, and I have some hot cross bun gin - gin infused with sultanas, raisins, dates, cinnamon, nutmeg and some other spices - best drunk with dry ginger ale and garnished with cinnamon and orange. It's delightful - and it will see me through. 

Right, off to a movie now. 

I'll see if I can do this again next year. The delayed gratification was worth it. 

Today's song:

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