Monday, April 18, 2022

Movie Review: Everything Everywhere All at Once

Movie number 15 of 2022

Movie: Everything Everywhere All at Once

The Cinema: The Rivoli, Camberwell

Stars: 4 1/2

Not often am I blown away by a movie that I know little about. I walking into Everything Everywhere All at Once  I knew of the following: 

  • It has a mostly Asian cast
  • It involves some sort of multiverse
  • And it's go rave reviews.
And that was all I needed to go along to this. 

This film is a total mind fuck - and it is SO worth it. 

Okay, so what it's about. Evelyn Wang (the incomparable Michelle Yeoh) has a not great life running a laundrette somewhere in suburban American. She is being audited by the tax department, she's on outer with her drab husband Waymond Wang (Ke Hee Quan) and her daughter Joy (Stephanie Hsu) is bringing her grief. Oh, and there is grandpa (James Hong) in there for some comic relief. 

And then the fun begins.

What I can tell you: 
  • You get used to the multiverse situation really quickly. 
  • What a great use of bluetooth headsets. 
  • This is VERY funny in places. 
  • And quite violent, but in short sharp bursts. 
  • And Jamie Lee Curtis, as the psychotic tax agent is inspiring. 
  • Oh, and there are butt plugs. 
This is a complete mind fuck of a film. It feels like it's all over the place, but it is not, as you watch the hapless Evelyn try on her alternative universes selves to find a way forward. 

This film is absolutely bonkers, but in a great way. I loved every minute of it. The premise is stone mad, the performances, which take in of Hong Kong Kung Fu films and serious acting, are fantastic. 

If I was to put it in a bucket, it's a bit like The Matrix meets Being John Malkovich with a little bit of Little Miss Sunshine thrown in for good measure.

I loved it, just because it was so different. 

This is worth a look. 

Today's song:

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