Thursday, April 21, 2022

Emergency Brownies: Part II

 I've just made a batch of Nigella Lawson's Emergency Brownies. A necessary evil and a bit of a necessity as I'd forgotten I'm going to this art class tomorrow night and we have to bring snacks and drinks. Of the crew that are going, cheese, dips and biscuits are covered, along with wine. So it's down to me to bring the sweets. 

And with nothing sweet in the house, Nigella's Emergency Brownies seemed like the go. 

I like Nigella's recipes - they're normally pretty easy - and usually sensual verging on pornographic at times with their descriptions. In this recipe, squidgy and nubbly got used. I liked it because I only needed a small saucepan, a bowl to beat some eggs and that was it. Of course, I bastardised the recipe a bit - I doubled the recipe, along with using half white chocolate chips, half dark chocolate chips. I also poked some glace cherries in the top of the batter, just because. It's fruit - fruit is good for you. Well that's my excuse

And I got to lick out the saucepan  - which is, and always will be, the best bit of baking. 

Looks good, don't they. 

I can vouch that they taste good. 

And the leftovers will be taken over to Adelaide withe me on the weekend. 

I don't think my mother knows that I can cook. 

Today's song: 

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