Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Pass the Dutchie

We watched the balloons as the drifted over the South East of the city. 

Cleo: I'd never go up on one of those things. 

Pand: They're awesome. I loved my balloon ride. 

Cleo: There's something about a wicker basket, some silk and fire that I can't compute.

Pand: Ah, they're as safe as that boat you go out to sea on regularly.

A balloon crashed in Elwood, the one we has been watching from the safety of the gym in Hawthorn. 

I've been going to the gym before work over the last few days, partly because I've been needing the escape and also because Cleo has been off and we're making up a few sessions. 

I love the gym because I get my fill of music. Today Cleo and I talked about all sorts of things - and Missy Elliot came up, and she has a song about 'Dutchies' (Marijuana cigarettes)

Pand: Like Pass the Dutchie?

Cleo: What are you talking about?

Pand: You know the song, Pass the Dutchie.

Cleo: Nope. 

Pand: You don't know the song Pass the Dutchie? What planet have you been on?

Cleo: Nope, never heard it. 

I asked the other trainer in the room, Mike, if he knew it. Mike is about my age. 

Mike knew it. "Yeah, Musical Youth - 1982-1983."

Pand: Yeah, that's it. 

Cleo: I was eight and I was listening to Madonna. 

Pand: No excuse.

Mike puts the song on over the stereo. 

Cleo still looks puzzled. 

Pand: You've seriously never heard this. 

Cleo: Nope. 

Pand: (In a very bad Jamaican accent) It's reggae, man. 

And Mike and I continued to bop around the gym, knowing all the words, smiling to ourselves as Cleo look on in amusement. 

Once the song had finished, Cleo asked, "Is there any eighties song you don't know the words to?"

80's music is my superpower. 

And this killer rif has been going through my head all day.

Makes me happy. 

Today's song:

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