Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Emergency Brownies

 I have no sweets in the house, unless you count the candied ginger and smooshed lychee ice blocks I have in the freezer. 

Tonight I'm trying everything in my power not to make Nigella's Emergency Brownies

I mean, I'm here on my work computer, actually working. Oh, what fun, at 9 p.m. 

And I don't need these at all, but I like the though of making a small amount of brownies. 

I think of what  I have in the cupboard at the moment. 

50 grams soft unsalted butter   - CHECK

50 grams soft light brown sugar - CHECK

1 x 15ml tablespoon maple or golden syrup - CHECK

3 x 15ml tablespoons plain flour - CHECK

3 x 15ml tablespoons cocoa - CHECK

¼ teaspoon sea salt flakes - CHECK (Himalayan rock salt will suffice)

1 large egg (at room temperature) (CHECK)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract - CHECK

50 grams walnut pieces - CHECK

50 grams dark or milk chocolate chips (as wished) - BUMMER, No.

Oh well, no chocolate chips. 

I'll just have to get my sweet jollies from the smooshed up lychee and passionfruit ice blocks in the freezer. 

Much better for me. 

Maybe during tomorrow's team meeting I'll go for a walk down to the supermarket to get some chocolate chips. 

I'm just trying to keep myself happy for a bit. 

Today's song: 

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