Thursday, April 14, 2022

Guilty Pleasures: Bridgerton

 Being a stressed out bunny at present, I need something simple, fluffy and pretty to look at to keep me from going ga-ga. 

My drug of choice is Bridgerton

If you've not caught the Bridgerton bug yet, be warned. It's addictive. Like Turkish Delight Easter Eggs or curried egg sandwiches. 

Basically, it's a series based on a set of fluffy romance novels. The Viscount Bridgerton and his large family are sort of all looking for love in Georgian England. 

Of the family there is: 

  • Anthony - the current Viscount - oldest brother. A bit of a rake. 
  • Benedict - the arty second son, who marches to the beat of his own drum (I'm definitely Team Benedict)
  • Colin - the people pleaser who likes to eat and falls in love easily.
  • Daphne  - the eldest daughter, protagonist of the first novel - a bit too gullible for her own good. 
  • Eloise - the iconoclast, feminist and somebody who would be my friend. 
  • Francesca - the sister nobody knows much about because she's always away in Bath with relatives
  • Gregory - he's a kid and he's short. 
  • Hyacinth - the baby, who's a bit lippy. 
Oh, and there's Mum, Violet, who keeps her brood in check. Oh, and the Featheringtons, three rather drab sisters and their parents who provide quite a lot of comic relief. 

Look, it's great. There's lots of wonderful costumes, eye fucking, longing looks, silly situations and a poison pen gossip writer mystery going on the in the background. 

If you're looking for a bit of fluff to keep you from going completely insane, knowing that this isn't anything close to reality, that doesn't have a heap of bloodshed or violence, this is a good alternative. 

It's that, or Sanditon...

Jane Austen, eat your heart out. 

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